Everything to Know About the Upcoming 11th Annual Super Bowl Pre-game Tournament

The excitement is building up as the South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC) gears up for its 11th annual Super Bowl Pre-game Chess Tournament! Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming event.

  1. When and where

The tournament will be held at the SJIC on February 11, 2023. Round one will begin at 10 am.

  1. Time control and number of rounds

Each player will have 30 minutes with a 5 second delay on their clock. There will be 5 rounds–with the first round at 10 am, and all subsequent rounds following as soon as possible. 

  1. Sections

There will be three sections for this tournament: Open, Under 2000, and Under 1400. 

  1. Prizes

There are $3500 guaranteed prizes for this tournament.

  1. Registration

You can register for this tournament two different ways–online or onsite. To register online, be sure to click here in order to be brought to the SJIC’s registration page. Keep in mind, those who register onsite will be required to pay $10 more than online registration.

  1. Be prepared 

Due to the amount of people the South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC) is preparing to have, it is unable to have boards, clocks, and pieces available to all players. Please try to bring your own!

The SJIC hopes to see you there! 

 A leading center for STEAM instruction (including math, creative design, and robotics), the SJIC offers superb instructional chess programs for both children and adults. The SJIC hosts official rated chess tournaments every other Sunday, rated rapid tournaments every Wednesday night, and chess club every Friday night.