This Friday, May 5, South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC) will be having its very first Ladies’ Night! A spin off of the weekly Friday Night Chess, Ladies’ Night Chess is geared specifically towards female chess players. Why have a Friday Night Chess dedicated to women in chess, though? Chess is an extremely male-dominated game. Therefore, by putting events like this in place, SJIC hopes to see more women attending our chess events in the future.
It will be set up just like every other Friday Night Chess hosted at SJIC, but with some extra embellishments for this event–including all women being given a rose upon entry. The night will begin with Diana Suralik, an SJIC Instructor who has been in the top 10 girl chess players her age in the United States, discussing a game between Grandmaster Judit Polgar, the strongest woman in history, and Women’s International Master Pavlina Chilingirova. Afterwards, all are welcome to engage in casual or G/60 rated games.
During all of this, mocktails, finger foods, and dessert will be available to everyone.
Men are welcome too, but the night will be all about the women players in chess!