Last week of camp at the South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC) will certainly be a memorable one for all of its participants. It was Roblox Creators and 3D Art week! Guided by camp instructors Mia Matis and Jitumoni Goswami, the campers were immersed in a week brimming with creativity, innovation, and plenty of fun.
Matis kicked off the week by welcoming the campers into the world of Roblox, the platform where they would soon be crafting their own games. Beginning with the basics, she guided them through building their first houses, ensuring they grasped the essential tools and functions of game creation. As for the 3D art portion of the camp, Goswami taught the campers how to make 3D coral reefs with only colored paper and scissors. There is no doubt that the campers’ creativity was in full motion with this project!
As the days progressed, the campers dove deeper into their projects. Matis continued to challenge her students with themed obstacle courses, intricate mazes, and hide-and-seek simulations, each designed in Roblox. Goswami introduced a variety of hands-on projects, including clay dish crafting, weaving with yarn and string to create unique fabric pieces, and designing masks using simple materials like paper and markers. All of these activities together worked on important skills like technological literacy, adaptability, and innovation.
Of course, challenges arose throughout the week. Whether grappling with scripting (which is the term for coding within Roblox) complexities in their games or perfecting the shape of their clay dishes, it was inevitable for some frustrations to occur. It is these aggravating moments of struggle, though, that led to growth. Both the campers and instructors alike celebrated the breakthroughs.
In the end, the week culminated with the opportunity for campers to proudly show their parents all of the amazing projects they had been working on throughout the week.
A leading provider of STEAM enrichment activities, the SJIC offers the following Summer Camps: Flight Engineering & Weather Report, Minecraft Adventures & Lego Builders, Robotics, Coding with Scratch, Filmmaking, Chess Camp 1, and Chess Camp 2. Interested in signing up? Register here.