SJIC Spotlight: Tatiana Ter-Saakov

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Our beloved math coordinator at South Jersey Innovation Center, Tatiana Ter-Saakov, has recently won the Edyth May Sliffe Award from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA)!

In short, MAA selects twenty teachers from around the nation every year to qualify for this award as recognition for the outstanding work they have done in the mathematics field. The selected teachers must fulfill the MAA’s requirements in order to even make it onto the roster, though. The minimum requirement for receiving the award is participation in the AMC 8 or AMC 10/12 math competitions at least once. However, the more involvement MAA witnesses the teacher to have in the math field, the better their chances at winning are. Obviously, this is not something Tatiana has to even worry about. 

And so, it is no surprise Tatiana was selected for this year’s Edyth May Sliffe Award. Her incredible dedication to helping our SJIC children excel in mathematics makes her more than worthy of receiving this award. She is the face of our math program here at SJIC and has been nicknamed our “math rockstar.” For many years now, she has been a part of SJIC, and we can not be more proud that one of our staff members received such a prestigious award! 

A leading center for STEM instruction (including chess, computing, and robotics), SJIC offers superb instructional math programs for children of all ages.