Summer Camp Recap: Robotics

In today’s world, technology is advancing at rapid speeds. It makes sense, then, that there is a growing demand for skilled individuals in the STEAM fields. Of course, being an […]

A Recap of the SJIC at the First Lego League

On January 14, the South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC) sent two of its three robotics teams–The Innovators and the Energetic Juniors–to compete in the First Lego League. This event not […]

The Power of STEAM Education for Children

In a rapidly changing world, the need for a well-rounded and adaptable education is more important than ever. Enter STEAM education–teaching children the various aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, […]

Robotics Fun for Kids: Spherobots

There is a new and fun robotics class at South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC)… Spherobots! Spherobots are a programmable sphere-shaped robot that rolls around. Through an application called “Sphero Edu,” […]

Summer Camp Recap: Robotics and Engineering

coding classes nj

In a world where the need for technology and innovation continues to grow, the demand for skilled individuals in the fields of robotics and engineering also continues to grow. This […]

Summer Camp Recap: STEM Fusion

south jersey innovation center

It is STEM Fusion Week at South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC)! This week’s camp is a melting pot of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics activities that bring together passionate campers […]

What SJIC’s Innovators Have Been Up To

chess tournaments new jersey

A robotics team for children is a platform that ignites young minds with a fascination for technology and innovation. This is the reason South Jersey Innovation Center’s (SJIC) robotics team, […]