What is SJIC’s Wall of Fame
Baseball has its Hall of Fame, and Hollywood has its Walk of Fame. Well, the South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC) has its Wall of Fame! In fact, SJIC’s Wall of […]
Shyla Rana wins 2023 South Jersey K-8 championship, VMS wins the school team competition.
The South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC) was proud to host the annual South Jersey K-8 championship on April 16, 2023. Fifty-three players participated in the five-round tournament. The individual championship […]
What To Expect from SJIC this Summer
Summer Camp Registration Camp Descriptions With summer a few short months away, South Jersey Innovation Center (SJIC) is busy preparing for nine weeks of fun-filled summer camps. Here is what […]
Friday Night Chess is Back!
Do you love chess? Is South Jersey Innovation Center’s (SJIC) Wednesday night Chess Club not enough? Well, you are in luck! Following on the success of SJIC’s Wednesday night Chess […]
All About SJIC
Today, there are a plethora of programs available for children interested in things like gymnastics or theater (which are great!). What about for children interested in things like chess or […]
SJIC’s New Short Video Editing Class
Often when we talk about movies or television shows, we talk about the acting and cinematography in them. What is not as often talked about, though, is the editing that […]